Phone: 307-630-3111
E-mail: alan@alanscustomclubs.com

Chandler & East Valley - By appointment
Call 307-630-3111
Alan Swisher
1621 E Harrison St
Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone: 307-630-3111
Club Fitting
– It is far better to err on the side of more flexibility in the shaft, lighter total weight, higher swing weight, more loft, and shorter length in fitting 98% of golfers
– The slower the swing speed, the fewer conventional irons should be inrporated into the custom fit set.
– At least 95% of all golfers play with woods which are too long for their swing ability.
– It is far better to err on the side of more flexibility in the shaft, lighter total weight, higher swing weight, more loft, and shorter length in fitting 98% of golfers
– The slower the swing speed, the fewer conventional irons should be inrporated into the custom fit set.
– At least 95% of all golfers play with woods which are too long for their swing ability.
I am often asked if club fitting is that important. In a word, YES! It is just as important, if not more so, for the high handicapper. Properly fitted clubs will allow you to play better and to improve. Fitting will make a difference in your game regardless of skill level. It is difficult, at best, to play the game. Improperly fitted equipment makes it even more difficult. Custom fitting is a process of taking physical measurements for each golfer, plus measuring the vital aspects of the golfer’s swing. By using a launch monitor, data can be collected regarding swing speed, angle of attack, tempo, swing path, face angle, and other elements of the golf swing to determine proper finished club specifications. Your clubs are fit for you just as a tailor would custom fit a suit. When you pull a suit off the rack, that suit was made to some set of “average” specifications. It is unlikely it will fit you well. Same thing for golf clubs. Unless they’re made for you, they really don’t fit you. They aren’t “your clubs.” Playing with clubs that are made to specifications exactly tuned to your body and your swing dramatically increases your chances of improving your scores and enjoying the game. If you really want to get better at your game and enjoy it more, you should seriously consider getting custom golf clubs. Through a quality fitting session, we determine where you’re at, where you want to be, and how we can get you there through equipment changes. How the session goes is largely dependent on what it is you’re trying to accomplish.
The Interview and Fitting Form
The first step is set up an appointment to meet. Next, is for you to fill out a fitting information form. Reading your responses on this form starts me on the road to learning a little something about your equipment, your golf goals, your golf tendencies, your physical abilities, and more. Then I give a tour of the shop and talk about how the fitting process works. It is also a time to be sure that I understand exactly what you are hoping to improve.
Equipment Evaluation and Measurement
This step is where I evaluate and measure some critical aspects of your current equipment – things like length, loft, lie, flex, and grip size. Just because your iron indicates it’s a 6-iron it may have the loft of a 5 iron. Knowing exactly what we are dealing with is invaluable in helping to determine the exact specifications for your new equipment. At this time I also look for anomalies and inconsistencies as well. Unfortunately, out of specification equipment is more the norm rather than the exception. This is a good time to start taking a closer look at set make-up.
What we measure:
Launch angle
Carry distance
Total distance
Ball speed
Ball spin rate
Swing speed
Swing tempo
Centeredness of impact
Lie Angle
Grip Size
The next step is sort of two steps at once. In one step we use the Flightscope launch monitor to determine your clubhead speed, ball speed, and launch angle. Then we take that data and input it into some trajectory software do determine your optimum. Also at this time care is taken to derive your tempo as well as your release – two bits of information that along with your clubhead speed and a little input from both of us will be used to determine a shaft and flex.
At this stage of the fitting I have all the data I need to start selecting components. Together we start trying to find components that not only match our required specifications but also appeal aesthetically to you. The aesthetics of the club are factors not to be taken lightly. If you absolutely hate how a club sets up, success can be awfully hard to achieve. Let us not forget that a lot of this game is played between the ears and no matter how much we would like to make this a science, there is an awful lot of art involved. I always try to remember that “feel” is very individual and something I cannot measure and fit.
At this stage I assemble the club(s) to try out. From here we tweak them if necessary. If purchasing a set of irons, usually only one iron is assembled for trial. This way it can be tried and any problems or dislikes can be corrected before a lot of time and money is spent needlessly. Then once everything is OK the rest of the clubs can be assembled.
Our standard procedure with building involves orienting the shaft in it’s most stable and playable position in the club head, balancing the set or club out with the correct frequency, making sure the swing weight is right for you, and that the lie angle, grip, length, flex, etc. are all correct for you.
Clubfitting and Women
Although there is an incredible amount of research and technology designed into most of today’s clubs, to date there has never been a club made that can tell if it is being swung by a junior or a senior, a scratch player or high handicapper, or a man or a woman. With that said does this mean that women and men should play the same clubs? The answer to this is a very definite “Maybe!” A golf club for a woman, as well as any golfer, should be chosen based on the same factors: clubhead speed, swing tempo, set make-up, players ability, personal fit, and clubhead design to name a few. Never should they be chosen because of gender or age, because they say “Lady Something or Other”, or because they have a feminine look (Typically “Ladies” sets have been designed for the smaller, slower swinging, high-handicap player). Every golfer has a different stance, a different swing, a different body, and a different game. That is why you want to choose a set of clubs that will fit YOU, that will allow YOU to perform to your maximum potential, and that will minimize YOUR deficiencies. It has been my experience that some women like the pastel colors and flowery bags and others hate them. Many women seem to feel their game is not taken as seriously by using these “ladies” clubs. Once again, there are no absolutes. It is my contention that first and foremost is the performance of the equipment and how well it fits your swing and your game. With all the choices available today, there is no reason that you should not be able to get equipment that appeals to you aesthetically, yet still has all the features your game and swing require. Having equipment in which you are confident and proud and that reflects your tastes is an intangible that can easily translate into fewer strokes as well as a more enjoyable golfing experience. As a final note, I have found that if you have a set of clubs which allows you to play to the utmost of your abilities, most golfers will be surprised as how good their clubs look – no matter what the color.
As Tom Wishon wrote:
What is REAL Custom Fitting?
A colleague of mine in the custom clubmaking industry once made an analogy between custom clubfitting and washing your car that I believe to be very appropriate. If your car is dirty and trashed out, you can pull it into the driveway, hook up the hose and spray off most of the surface dirt and grime. On the other hand, you can do a better job in washing your car by filling a bucket with soapy water and scrub off all of the dirt with a sponge and a little ‘elbow grease.’ Or, you can pull out all of the stops and not only scrub the outside of the car, but wash, wipe, vacuum and detail the inside as well and finish with a wax and buff job. Custom clubfitting is very much the same way. If you realize that you simply bought your golf clubs in standard form, off the rack from a golf retailer or pro shop and you are curious as to whether your game may benefit from being custom fit, there are many different options available in the golf business, all which are termed by some to be a ‘custom fitting.’ The problem is, since 98% of all golfers really don’t know what constitutes a real custom fitting, it’s easy to think you’re getting the ‘full detail job’ when you’re really ending up with only a ‘hose job.’
- Real Custom Fitting is not answering five or six questions on a web site to be ‘fit’ into a driver or a set of irons.
- Real Custom Fitting is not a cart with wheels filled with different golf clubs and sitting in a pro shop or on the practice range.
- Real Custom Fitting is not attending a Demo Day at your local driving range and hitting clubs until you find something you like.
- Real Custom Fitting is not something that can be accomplished from start to finish in 20 minutes or less, regardless if you are hitting balls on a launch monitor.
- Real Custom Fitting is not done by altering some aspects of an existing standard made set of golf clubs.
- Real Custom Fitting IS working one on one with a trained custom clubmaker over a period of at least 45 minutes or more, and frequently over the course of 2 or more visits to the clubmakers shop.
- Real Custom Fitting IS being fit from scratch, in the same manner as a tailor making a custom suit, with the right clubheads, shafts, and grips being recommended by the custom clubmaker from a wide variety of different models, designs and performance factors.
- Real Custom Fitting IS the domain of the serious, professional clubmaker who ‘lives, eats and breathes’ all of the information available which will allow him or her to accurately match each golfer’s swing to the best fit set of golf clubs.
Chandler & East Valley - By appointment
Call 307-630-3111
Alan Swisher
1621 E Harrison St
Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone: 307-630-3111